Sunday, September 26, 2010

I know when you haven't posted for a while, the rules are you should come back with actual content, but I couldn't resist this meme.

Here are the rules:

1 - Go to the Superpower Wiki.

2 - Click the “Random page” button on the left hand side once. Only once.

3 - Revel (or dismay) in the fact that this is your new superpower. But I bet it's awesome even if it's crappy because you now have a superpower. Who wouldn't want a superpower? No one, that's who. Unless you're a dude and you get Pregnancy, which admittedly kind of sucks as far as powers go. Sorry about that.

4 - Post the results. No cheating!

Water Manipulation
The power to control water molecules with one’s mind. Also known as Hydrokinesis, Aquakinesis, Waterbending, Hydromancy or Moisture Manipulation.

Oooh. It says I can make water balloons! And known users include Sailor Mercury, Poseidon and Moses, lol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally got psychic persuasion without cheating. You will believe me because I said so.