Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...the work of Satan?

Australian government caught editing Wikipedia

This is maybe old news, but I was skimming through this article at work today (ooh, yeah, that's right, productive use of my paid time...) and the following passage caught my eye:

Additions to various Wikipedia entries made using government computers
included "Freemasonry is the work of Satan", "Mormonism is the work of Satan"
and "Jesus is god", the paper said.

This just strikes me as really hilarious, and a little scary. It's not that I think government officials editing Wikipedia is wrong - before you can yell about bias, it's the democracy of Wikipedia that allows it to be such an interesting place and a good overview resource. Anything that is obviously biased is usually pointed out by its lack of notation, and tidied up by opposing forces soon after that. Plus, the fact that it is on Wikipedia means there is a level of awareness by its users that critical analysis is important in evaluating the truthfulness and honesty of information posted.

But. There are people working in the official administration that runs this country that would put the above sentences into public circulation. Part of me believes it's the work of pranksters - bored office people playing with the freedom and anonymity. But another part of me is thinking, "What if they really do think that?" I mean, I can't say I agree completely with the beliefs of Mormons, but "the work of Satan" is a very strongly worded opinion!

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