Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Science of Sleep (2007; d. Michel Gondry)

This was as beautiful and creatively wonderful as I'd read, as well as being quirkily funny, and much more coherent than some reviews had led me to believe. I believed the awkward romance between Stephane (Gael Garcia-Bernal) and Stephanie (Charlotte Gainsborough) - the way it didn't flow smoothly in that Hollywoodised way, but had this stop-start motion to it. They progressed because they really were kindred souls in their creative minds and expression, but also it was impeded by the self-same obsessive infantilism in Stephane that left him about as emotionally mature as a four year old. The ending though, its bittersweet ambiguity, was perfect for the movie and my expectations of how their love was shown throughout the movie.

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